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The ARC system is implemented using COTERIE, the testbed described here.
The Columbia Object-oriented Testbed for Exploratory Research in
Interactive Environments
Blair MacIntyre, Steven Feiner
COTERIE is a testbed for fast prototyping of distributed virtual
environment systems (MacIntyre and Feiner 1996). It is designed to
support the creation of virtual environments with multiple
simultaneous users interacting with many heterogeneous displays and
input devices. The testbed is designed around a multi-threaded,
modular, object-oriented programming model and supports fully
transparent distributed communications via both client-server and
replicated distributed objects. By building applications as groups of
cooperating threads, a single programming model can be used for both
single and multiprocess programs. Both interpreted (Obliq)
and compiled (Modula-3)
languages are simultaneously available to the application programmer.
Motivating Requirements
The requirements we set for our testbed reflect our desire to
experiment with distributed, multi-user VEs that combine a variety of
displays that are hand-held, head-worn, desk-top, and wall-sized,
including both opaque and see-through. This means that it is essential
that we be able to create robust prototypes quickly and easily to
explore different design alternatives. We identified a number of core
requirements for the infrastructure on which we would build our
- Uniform treatment of local and distributed data
- Embedded, interpreted language
- Object-oriented, multithreaded programming model
- Desirable distributed system characteristics (scalable, open, fault tolerant, network data transparency)
- Data replication for fast local access
- Asynchronous data propagation
- Asynchronous notification of updates to shared data
Our testbed is currently being written in the
programming language. Our decision to use Modula-3 was based on the
language itself and the availability of a set of packages that provide
a solid foundation on which to build our infrastructure.
Modula-3 is a descendent of Pascal that corrects many of its
deficiencies. In particular, Modula-3 retains strong type safety,
while adding facilities for exception handling, concurrency,
object-oriented programming, and automatic garbage collection
One of its most important features for our work is that it gives us
uniform access to these facilities across all architectures we use
(Solaris, SunOS, HP-UX, OSF/1, IRIX, NT and Windows 95). We also
depend on some packages that are part of the standard Modula-3
- Network Objects
The Network Object package supports distributed data sharing by
providing remote method call facilities that are virtually transparent
to the programmer. These include distributed garbage collection,
exception propagation back to the calling site, and automatic
marshalling and unmarshalling of method arguments and return values of
virtually any data type between heterogeneous machines.
- Obliq
Obliq is a lexically-scoped untyped language for distributed
object-oriented computation that is tightly integrated with
Modula-3. Like Modula-3, it supports multiple threads of control
within a single process. Obliq's distributed computation mechanism
is based on Network Objects, allowing transparent support for multiple
processes on heterogeneous machines. Objects are local to a site,
while computation can roam over the network.
- Obliq-3D
Obliq-3D is a high-level 3D animation system that consists of two
parts: a Modula-3 library that provides a set of graphical objects and
animation primitives, and those same primitives embedded in
Obliq. Obliq-3D programs can be written in Modula-3, Obliq, or any
combination of the two because all data structures are
simultaneously available from both languages. The package's
structure and interface also make it relatively easy to extend.
The HTTP package is a Modula-3 library that support the creation of
HTTP clients and servers. It was created as part of DEC SRC's
Millicent project.
The implementation of COTERIE can be broken into a number of components:
- Shared Objects
The Shared Object package, when combined with
the Network Object package, provides a distributed language
infrastructure geared toward the needs of VE applications by
providing general purpose, asynchronously updated, replicated
objects. It is based on two concepts: Distributed Shared Memory via
the Shared Data-Object Model, and Callback Objects.
- Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) allows a network of computers
to be programmed much like a multiprocessor, since the programmer is
presented with the familiar paradigm of a common shared memory. DSM
mechanisms use message-passing protocols between machines to
implement some model of shared memory access that is used by the
programmer. The Shared Data-Object Model of DSM is particularly well
suited to our needs since it is a high-level approach that can be
implemented efficiently at the application layer. This model was
introduced in the
Orca parallel
programming language. In this model,
shared data is encapsulated in user-defined objects and can only be
accessed through the objects' method calls. The DSM address space
is partitioned implicitly by the application programmer, with an
object being the smallest unit of sharing. The shared data is
replicated in each process that is interested in the object. Each
process can call any method of an object it shares, just as it can
with a non-shared object.
- Callback Objects allow the programmer to receive notification of
changes to a Shared Object in an object-oriented fashion. For any
Shared Object, an associated Callback Object exists with a similar set
of methods which the programmer can subclass off of to receive
notification of changes to a particular object instance.
- Repo
In Obliq, all objects are Network Objects: one copy exists in some
process, and all other processes make remote method calls to access that
object. In Repo, we round out the object model with the other two
kinds of objects a programmer might need:
- replicated objects (implemented with our Shared Objects)
- simple objects (that are always local to the process
using them)
Repo is our superset of Obliq. A manual will be available soon.
- Anim-VR
The Anim-VR package is an rewrite of Anim-3D that aims to satisfy two
important goals:
- Efficiency. The internals of Anim-3D have been almost
entirely rewritten to solve the efficiency problems of Anim-3D.
Furthermore, a backend was written using
to support NT and Windows95 machines without 3D accelerators.
- VE Support. A number of features need by Virtual Environment
systems have been added to Anim-3D. These include support
for textures, line and polygon sets, 2D projection and picking
calculations, support for nested coordinate system calculations,
2- and 3-D text, attaching of 2D windows to 3D points, etc.
- Obliq/HTTP
This package exposes the Modula-3 HTTP package into Obliq, allowing
distributed HTTP servers to be written entirely in Obliq. This
package was used to create our lab's
Reality WebCam in less than 200 lines of code.
This package also allows us to easily build applications with web-based
- Trackers
We have developed an object oriented tracker package with
support for a variety of 2, 3 and 6DOF
tracking systems, including
More devices are being added
(ie. Ascension Flock of Birds, Precision Navigation Orientation Tracker).
The package is designed so that client software can operate on any
tracker with appropriate capabilities (2D, 3D position or orientation,
or some combination) interchangeably.
Using COTERIE, we are building a library of objects to support the
various VE devices we use and an application framework that allows us
to create prototype applications with the distributed system
characteristics we desire.
Current Status
We currently have the basic system running on a variety of machines,
- HP workstations, running HP-UX 9.0 (partially)
- SGI workstations, running IRIX 6.x
- x86-based PCs running Linux, NT 4.0 and Windows 95.
- Sun Sparcstations, running Solaris 2.{4,5}
The graphical components of the system currently run on:
- Any Unix workstation that supports X and OpenGL. For example,
we use it on our SGI and Sun UltraSparc workstations using
their accelerators, on Linux machines using various software
OpenGLs, and on a variety of Unixen using Mesa, a free
OpenGL-like library that runs on top of X windows.
- NT 4.0 (on x86 processors) and Windows 95, using OpenGL and Renderware.
Other highlights of our current project status include:
- Calibration
We are developing separate HMD calibration software for both video-
and see-through AR systems.
- 2D Windows
As with our previous work, we wish to position traditional 2D windows
in the 3D world. Our current system supports this as well.
- Applications
We are working on a number of prototype applications, both
on our own and in conjunction with the Columbia Architecture School and
Nynex Science and Technology.
All of the pictures on this page were generated with various applications built
using COTERIE.
This research is supported in part by the Office of Naval Research
under Contract N00014-97-1-0838, a gift from NYNEX
Science & Technology, hardware and software gifts from Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs, Intel, and
Microsoft, the New York State Center for Advanced Technology
in Computers and Information Systems under Contract NYSSTF-CAT-92-053,
the Columbia Center for Telecommunications Research under NSF Grant
ECD-88-11111, and NSF Grant CDA-92-23009.
MacIntyre, B and S. Feiner. "[Language-level support for exploratory
programming of distributed virtual environments."
Proc. UIST '96 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology),
Seattle, WA, November 6-8, 1996, 83-95.
[*] If this feature set sounds familiar to those acquainted with
Java, that is because Modula-3 can be thought of as Java's closest
relative. James Gosling, the designer of Java, pointed out in his
UIST '96 keynote address that many of Java's ideas were borrowed from
Modula-3. Unfortunately, important facilities such as the ability to
do "unsafe" operations (required for such tasks as communicating with
hardware devices) and language features designed to support large
scale program design, are ommitted from Java. In any event, Java was
not available in 1994 when we were selecting a language, and still
does not offer the range of well designed, free, tightly integrated
packages that are available for Modula-3.