Migration in Process:


Smith, B. A. & Nayar, S. K., Mining Controller Inputs to Understand Gameplay. Proc. ACM UIST, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, 157 - 168.
Miau, D. & Feiner, S., Personalized Compass: A Compact Visualization for Direction and Location. Proc. ACM CHI, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 7-12, 2016, 5114 - 5125.
Miau, D. & Feiner, S., Personalized Compass: A Demonstration of a Compact Visualization for Direction and Location. CHI 2016 Extended Abstracts, Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 7-12, 2016, 3731 - 3734.
Elvezio, C., Sukan, M., & Feiner, S., A Framework to Facilitate Reusable, Modular Widget Design for Real-Time Interactive Systems. IEEE 9th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS), Greenville, SC, USA, March 20, 2016.


Oda, O., Elvezio, C., Sukan, M., Feiner, S., & Tversky, B., Virtual Replicas for Remote Assistance in Virtual and Augmented Reality. Proc. ACM UIST, Charlotte, NC, USA, November 8-11, 2015, 405 - 415.
Elvezio, C., Sukan, M., Feiner, S., & Tversky, B., POSTER: Interactive Visualizations for Monoscopic Eyewear to Assist in Manually Orienting Objects in 3D, Proc. ISMAR 2015 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), 180 - 181.


Sukan, M., Elvezio, C., Oda, O., Feiner, S., & Tversky, B., ParaFrustum: Visualization Techniques for Guiding a User to a Constrained Set of Viewing Positions and Orientations, Proc. ACM UIST, 2014, 331 - 340.
Prey, J. E., Woollen, J., Wilcox, L., Sackeim, A. D., Hripcsak, G., Bakken, S., Restaino, S., Feiner, S., & Vawdrey, D. K., Patient engagement in the inpatient setting: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 21(4), 742 - 750.
Wilcox, L., Feiner, S., Elhadad, N., Vawdrey, D., & Tran, T. H., Patient-centered tools for medication information search. Proc. Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 49 - 56.


Oda, O., Sukan, M., Feiner, S., and Tversky, B., Poster: 3D referencing for remote task assistance in augmented reality. Proc. 3DUI 2013 (IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Orlando, FA, March 16-17, 2013. (Runner-up of 3DUI 2013 Best Poster Award
Smith, B. A., Yin, Q., Feiner, S. K., & Nayar, S. K., Gaze locking: Passive eye contact detection for human-object interaction, Proc. ACM UIST, 2013, 271 - 280.
Wilcox, L., Feiner, S., Elhadad, N., Vawdrey, D., & Tran, T. H., Remedy: supporting consumer-centered medication information search. In Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2013, 317 -- 318.
Dedual, N. J. & Feiner, S. K., Addressing Information Overload in Urban Augmented Reality Applications. In Proc. GeoHCI 2013 (CHI 2013 Workshop on Geographic Human-Computer Interaction).


Lu, W., Duh, H. B.-L., and Feiner, S. Subtle cueing for visual search in augmented reality. Proc. ISMAR 2012 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Atlanta, GA, November 5-8, 2012, 161-166.
Oda, O. and Feiner, S. 3D referencing techniques for shared augmented reality environments. Proc. ISMAR 2012 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Atlanta, GA, November 5-8, 2012, 208 - 215.
Sukan, M., Feiner, S., Tversky, B., and Energin, S. Quick viewpoint switching for manipulating virtual objects in hand-held augmented reality using stored snapshots. Proc. ISMAR 2012 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Atlanta, GA, November 5-8, 2012, 217-226.
Sackeim, A., Wilcox, L., Restaino, S., Stein, D., Hripcsak, G., Bakken, S., Feiner, S., and Vawdrey, D. Using an inpatient personal health record to enhance patient-provider communication. Poster. Proc. AMIA 2012 (Amer. Med. Informatics Assoc. Ann. Symp.), Chicago, IL, November 3-7, 2012.
Rosenblum, L., Feiner, S., Julier, S., Swan, J., Livingston, M. The Development of mobile augmented reality. In Dill, J., Earnshaw, R., Kasik, D., Vince, J., and Wong, P. (eds.), Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2012., 431-448
Baur, D., Boring, S., and Feiner, S. Virtual projection: Exploring optical projection as a metaphor for multi-device interaction. Proc. CHI 2012, Austin, TX, May 5-10, 2012., 1693-1702
Sukan, M., Feiner, S., and Energin, S. Poster: Manipulating virtual objects in hand-held augmented reality using stored snapshots. Proc. 3DUI 2012 (IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Orange County, CA, March 4-8, 2012. 165-166 (Recipient of 3DUI 2012 Best Poster Award
Wilcox, L., Feiner, S., Liu, A., Collins, S., Restaino, S, and Vawdrey, D. Designing inpatient technology to meet the medication information needs of cardiology patients. To appear in Proc. IHI 2012 (ACM SIGHIT Int. Health Informatics Symp), Miami, FL, January 28-30, 2012.


Henderson, S. and Feiner, S. Exploring the benefits of augmented reality documentation for maintenance and repair. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(10), October 2011, 1355-1368.
Henderson, S. and Feiner, S. Augmented reality in the psychomotor phase of a procedural task. Proc. ISMAR 2011 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Basel, Switzerland, October 26-29, 2011, 191-200. (Recipient of ISMAR 2011 Best Science and Technology Student Paper Award.).
Dedual, N., Oda O. and Feiner, S. Creating hybrid user interfaces with a 2D multi-touch tabletop and a 3D see-through head-worn display. Poster. Proc. ISMAR 2011 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Basel, Switzerland, October 26-29, 2011, 231-232.
Vawdrey, D., Wilcox, L. Collins, S., Bakken, S., Feiner, S, Boyer, A., and Restaino, S. A tablet computer application for patients to participate in their hospital care. Proc. AMIA 2011 (Amer. Med. Informatics Assoc. Ann. Symp.), Washington, DC, October 22-26, 2011, 1428-1435.
Vawdrey, D., Wilcox, L., Collins, S., Feiner, S., Mamykina, O., Stein, D., Bakken, S., Fred, M., and Stetson, P. Awareness of the care team in electronic health records. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2(4), 2011, 395-405.
Wilcox, L., Morris, D., Gatewood, J., Tan, D., and Horvitz, E. Characterizing patient-friendly 'micro-explanations' of medical events. Proc CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 7-12, 2011, 29-32.
Veas, E., Mendez, E., Feiner, S., and Schmalstieg, D. Directing attention and influencing memory with visual saliency modulation. Proc. CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 7-12, 2011, 1471-1480.
von Kapri, A., Rick, T., and Feiner, S. Comparing steering-based travel techniques for search tasks in a CAVE. Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2011, Singapore, March 19-23, 2011, 91-94.
White, S. and Feiner, S. Dynamic, abstract representations of audio in a mobile augmented reality conferencing system. In Alem, L. and Huang, W. (eds), Recent Trends of Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems, Springer Verlag, 2011, 149-161.


Wilcox, L., Gatewood, J., Morris, D., Tan, D., Feiner, S., and Horvitz, E. Physician attitudes about patient-facing information displays at an urban emergency department. Proc. AMIA 2010 (Amer. Med. Informatics Assoc. Ann. Symp), Washington, DC, November 13-17, 2010, 887-891.
Kruijff, E., Swan, E., and Feiner, S. Perceptual issues in augmented reality revisited. Proc. ISMAR 2010 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Seoul, Korea, October 13-16, 2010, 3-12.
Sukan, M. and Feiner, S. SnapAR: Storing snapshots for quick viewpoint switching in hand-held augmented reality. Poster. Proc. ISMAR 2010 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Seoul, Korea, October 13-16, 2010, 273-274.
White, S. and Feiner, S. Dynamic, abstract representations of audio in a mobile augmented reality conferencing system. Int. Workshop on Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality at IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Seoul, Korea, October 13, 2010.
Sukan, M., Oda, O., Shi, X., Entrena, M., Qi, J., Sadalgi, S., and Feiner, S. ARmonica: A collaborative sonic environment. Adjunct Proc. of UIST 2010, New York, NY, October 3-6, 2010, 401-402
Mendez, E., Feiner, S., and Schmalstieg, D. Focus and context in mixed reality by modulating first order salient features. Proc. Smart Graphics 2010 (10th Int. Symp. on Smart Graphics), June 24-26, 2010, Banff, Canada. (In R. Taylor et al., eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, Vol. 6133), 232-243.
Wilcox, L., Lu, J., Lai, J., Feiner, S., and Jordan, D. Physician-driven management of patient progress notes in an intensive care unit. Proc. CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA, April 10-15, 2010, 1879-1888.
Wilcox, L., Morris, D., Tan, D., and Gatewood, J. Designing Patient-Centric Information Displays for Hospitals. Proc. CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA, April 10-15, 2010, 2123-2132.
Mamykina, L., Wilcox, L., Vawdrey, D., Stein, D., Collins, S., Camargo, S., Fred, M., Hripcsak, G., and Feiner, S. Designing for Adoption: A Living Laboratory for Health IT. Proc. ACM WISH 2010 (Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare), Atlanta, GA, April 11, 2010, 181-184.
White, S. and Feiner, S. Exploring interfaces to botanical species classification. Demo. CHI 2010 Extended Abstracts, Atlanta, GA, April 10-15, 2010, 3051-3055.
Oda, O. and Feiner, S. Rolling and shooting: Two augmented reality games. Demo. CHI 2010 Extended Abstracts, Atlanta, GA, April 10-15, 2010, 3041-3044.
St-Aubin B., Mostafavi M., Roche S., Dedual N., A 3D Collaborative Geospatial Augmented Reality System for Urban Design and Planning Purposes, Canadian Geomatics Conference 2010, Apr 2010.
Mendez, E., Schmalstieg, D., and Feiner, S. Experiences on attention direction through manipulation of salient features. Proc. PIVE 2010 (2nd IEEE Virtual Reality Workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments), Waltham, MA, March 21, 2010.
Henderson, S. and Feiner, S. Opportunistic tangible user interfaces for augmented reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(1), January/February 2010, 4-16.
Lonsdale H., Jensen C., Wynn E., Dedual N., Cutting and Pasting Up: 'Documents' and Provenance in a Complex Work Environment, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Jan 2010.


Henderson, S. and Feiner, S. Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret. Proc. ISMAR 2009 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Orlando, FL, October 19-22, 2009, 135-144. (Recipient of ISMAR 2009 Best Paper Award.)
White, S., Feng, D., and Feiner, S. Interaction and presentation techniques for shake menus in tangible augmented reality. Proc. ISMAR 2009 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Orlando, FL, October 19-22, 2009, 39-48.
Oda, O. and Feiner, S. Interference avoidance in multi-user hand-held augmented reality. Proc. ISMAR 2009 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Orlando, FL, October 19-22, 2009, 13-22.
Tokusho, Y. and Feiner, S. Prototyping an outdoor mobile augmented reality street view application. Workshop: Let's Go Out: Research in Outdoor Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2009 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Orlando, FL, October 19, 2009.
Holz, C. and Feiner, S. Relaxed selection techniques for querying time-series graphs. Proc. UIST 2009 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), Victoria, BC, Canada, October 4-7, 2009, 213-222.
White, S. and Feiner, S. SiteLens: Situated visualization techniques for urban site visits. Proc. CHI 2009, Boston, MA, April 4-9, 2009, 1117-1120.
Wilcox, L., Lu, J., Lai, J., Feiner, S., and Jordan, D. activeNotes: Computer-assisted creation of patient progress notes. CHI 2009 Extended Abstracts, Boston, MA, April 4-9, 2009, 3323-3328.
White, S., Feng, D., and Feiner, S. Poster: Shake menus: Towards activation and placement techniques for prop-based 3D graphical menus. Proc. 3DUI 2009 (Fourth IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Lafayette, LA, March 14-15, 2009, 129-130.
Olwal, A. and Feiner, S. Spatially aware handhelds for high-precision tangible interaction with large displays. Proc. TEI 09 (Third Int. Conf. on Tangible and Embedded Interaction), Cambridge, UK, February 16-18, 2009, 181-188.


Henderson, S. and Feiner, S.Opportunistic controls: Leveraging natural affordances as tangible user interfaces for augmented reality. Proc. ACM VRST 2008 (ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), Bordeaux, France, October 27-29, 2008, 211-218. (Recipient of VRST 2008 Best Paper Award.)
Belhumeur, P., Chen, D., Feiner, S., Jacobs, D., Kress, W., Ling, H., Lopez, I., Ramamoorthi, R., Sheorey, S., White, S., and Zhang, L. Searching the world's herbaria: A system for visual identification of plant species. Proc. ECCV 2008 (2European Conf. on Computer Vision), Part IV, LNCS 5305, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008, 116-129.
Murphy, C., Sheth, S., Kaiser, G., Wilcox, L. genSpace: Exploring Social Networking Metaphors for Knowledge Sharing and Scientific Collaborative Work. In Proc ACM/IEEE SoSEA 2008, L'Aquila, Italy, September 2008, 29-36.
Olwal, A., Feiner, S., and Heyman, S. Rubbing and tapping for precise and rapid selection on touch-screen displays. Proc. ACM CHI 2008, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2008, 295-304. (Recipient of CHI 2008 Best Paper Honorable Mention.)
Oda, O., Lister, L., White, S., and Feiner, S. Developing an augmented reality racing game. Proc. INTETAIN 2008 (Int. Conf. on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, January 8-10, 2008.
Henderson, S. and Feiner, S. Mixed and augmented reality for training. In Schmorrow, D., Cohen, J., and Nicholson, D. (eds.), The PSI Handbook of Virtual Environments for Training and Education, vol. 2. Praeger Security International, Westport, CT, 2008, 135-156.


White, S., Lister, L., and Feiner, S. Visual hints for tangible gestures in augmented reality. Proc. ISMAR 2007 (IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Nara, Japan, November 13-16, 2007, 47-50.
White, S., Morozov, P., and Feiner, S. Site visit by situated visualization. In Calabrese, F. et al., Urban computing and mobile devices, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(3), July-September 2007, 52-57.
Benko, H. and Feiner, S. Pointer warping in heterogeneous multi-monitor environments. Proc. Graphics Interface 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 28-30, 2007, 111-117.
White, S., Marino, D., and Feiner, S. Designing a mobile user interface for automated species identification. Proc. ACM CHI 2007, San Jose, CA, April 28-May 3, 2007, 291-294. (Recipient of CHI 2007 Best Note Award.)
Ishak, E. and Feiner, S. Content-aware layout. ACM CHI 2007 Extended Abstracts, San Jose, CA, April 28-May 3, 2007, 2459-2464.
Benko, H. and Feiner, S. Balloon selection: A multi-finger technique for accurate low-fatigue 3D selection. Proc. 3DUI 2007 (Second IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Charlotte, NC, March 10-11, 2007, 79-86.
Yee, B., Sturman, D., and Feiner, S. Integrating video game development experience in an academic framework. Proc. Microsoft Academic Days on Game Development in Computer Science Education, February 22-25, 2007, 28-32.
Bell, B. and Feiner, S. Representing and processing display screen space in augmented reality. In Haller, M., Billinghurst, M., and Thomas, B. (eds.), Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and Design, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, 2007, 110-136.


Guven, S. and Feiner, S. Visualizing and navigating complex situated hypermedia in augmented and virtual reality. Proc. ISMAR 2006 (IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Santa Barbara, CA, October 22-25, 2006, 155-158.
Guven, S., Feiner, S., and Oda, O. Mobile augmented reality interaction techniques for authoring situated media on-site. Poster. Proc. ISMAR 2006 (IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Santa Barbara, CA, October 22-25, 2006, 235-236.
Ishak, E. and Feiner, S. Content-aware scrolling. Proc. UIST 2006 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), Montreux, Switzerland, October 15-18, 2006, 155-158.
White, S., Marino, D., and Feiner, S. LeafView: A user interface for automated botanical species identification and data collection. Poster. Adjunct Proc. of ACM UIST 2006, Montreux, Switzerland, October 15-18, 2006, 101-102.
Blasko, G. and Feiner, S. Evaluation of an eyes-free cursorless numeric entry system for wearable computers. Proc. ISWC 2006 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers), Montreux, Switzerland, October 11-14, 2006, 21-28. (Nominee for IEEE ISWC 2006 Best Paper Award.)
Agarwal, G., Belhumeur, P., Feiner, S., Jacobs, D., Kress, W.J., Ramamoorthi, R., Bourg, N., Dixit, N., Ling, H., Mahajan, D., Russell, R., Shirdhonkar, S., Sunkavalli, K., and White, S. First steps toward an electronic field guide for plants. Taxon, 55(3), August 2006, 597-610.
Blasko, G., Narayanaswami, C., and Feiner, S. Prototyping retractable string-based interaction techniques for dual-display mobile devices. Proc. ACM CHI 2006, Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006, 369-372.
Livingston, M., Lederer, A., Ellis, S., White, S., and Feiner, S. Virtual vergence calibration for augmented reality displays. Poster. Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2006, Alexandria, VA, March 25-29, 2006, 287-288.
White, S., Feiner, S., and Kopylec, J. Virtual vouchers: Prototyping a mobile augmented reality user interface for botanical species identification. Proc. 3DUI 2006 (First IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Alexandria, VA, March 25-26, 2006, 119-126 & 181.
Guven, S. and Feiner, S. Interaction techniques for exploring historic sites through situated media. Proc. 3DUI 2006 (First IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces), Alexandria, VA, March 25-26, 2006 111-118 & 180.


Güven, S., Podlaseck M. and Pingali G.. PICASSO: Pervasive Information Chronicling, Access, Search and Sharing in Organizations. International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 2005. Kauai Island, Hawaii, March 8-12, 2005, p. 341-350
Olivier, P. and Feiner, S. Editorial: Special issue on language, speech and gesture for VR. Virtual Reality, 8(4), 2005, 199-200.
Olwal, A. and Feiner, S. Using Prosodic Features of Speech and Audio Localization in Graphical User Interfaces. IUI 2005. San Diego, CA, Jan 9-12, 2005, p. 284-286
Blasko, G., Coriand, F., and Feiner, S. Exploring interaction with a simulated wrist-worn projection display. Proc. ISWC 2005 (IEEE Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers), Osaka, Japan, October 18-21, 2005, 2-9.
Sandor, C., Olwal, A., Bell, B., and Feiner, S. Immersive mixed-reality configuration of hybrid user interfaces. Proc. ISMAR 2005 (IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Vienna, Austria, October 5-8, 2005, 110-113.
Yao, Y., Cheng, G., Rajurkar, K., Kovacevic, R., Feiner, S., and Zhang, W. Combined research and curriculum development of nontraditional manufacturing. European Journal of Engineering Education, 30(3), September 2005, 363-376.
Blasko, G. and Feiner, S. Input devices and interaction techniques to minimize visual feedback requirements in augmented and virtual reality. Proc. HCI International 2005 (11th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction), Las Vegas, NV, July 22-27, 2005.
Yao, Y., Cheng, G., Feiner, S., Zhang, W., Rajurkar, K., and Kovacevic, R. A web-based curriculum development on nontraditional manufacturing with interactive features. International Journal of Engineering Education, 21(3), 2005, 546-554.
Benko, H. and Feiner, S. Multi-monitor mouse. ACM CHI 2005 Extended Abstracts, Portland, Oregon, April 2-7, 2005, 1208-1211.
Bell, B., Feiner, S., and Hollerer, T. Maintaining visibility constraints for view management in 3D user interfaces. In Stock, O. and Zancanaro, M. (eds.), Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation (Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol. 27), Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 2005, 255-277.
Benko,H. Edward Ishak, Feiner S. Cross-Dimensional Gestural Interaction Techniques for Hybrid Immersive Environments. VR 2005. March 10-12, 2005 p.209-116


Höllerer, T. and Feiner, S. Mobile augmented reality. In Karimi, H. and Hammad, A. (eds.), Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 2004, 221-260.
Goose, S., Güven,S., Zhang X., Sudarsky, S., and Navab, N. . PARIS: Fusing Vision-based Location Tracking with Standards-based 3D Visualization and Speech Interaction on a PDA. International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems 2004. San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept 8-10, 2004, p. 75-80
Lok S.,Feiner S., Ngai G., Evaluation of Visual Balance for Automated Layout. IUI 2004. Madeira, Funchal, Portugal, Jan 13-16, 2004, p. 101-108.
Eaddy M., Blaskó G., Babcock J., Feiner S., My Own Private Kiosk: Privacy-Preserving Public Displays. ISWC 2004. Arlington, VA, USA Oct 31-Nov 3, 22004, p.132-135
Blaskó G., Beaver W., Kamvar M., Feiner S., Workplane-Orientation Sensing Techniques for Tablet PCs (poster). UIST 2004. Santa Fe, NM, USA 24-27 October, 2004, p.1-2
Blaskó G., Feiner S., Single-Handed Interaction Techniques for Multiple Pressure-Sensitive Strips. CHI 2004. Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2004, p.1461-1464
Hallaway D., Höllerer T., Feiner S., Bridging the Gaps: Hybrid Tracking for Adaptive Mobile Augmented Reality. AAI-AIMS 2004. Applied Artificial Intelligence, Special Edition on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems, vol. 18(6), July, 2004.
Sandor C., Bell B., Olwal A., Temiyabutr N., Feiner S. Visual End User Configuration of Hybrid User Interfaces. ACM SIGMM 2004 Workshop on Effective Telepresence 2004. New York, NY, USA, Oct 15, 2004, p. 67-68
Olwal A., Feiner S., Unit: Modular Development of Distributed Interaction Techniques for Highly Interactive User Interfaces. GRAPHITE 2004. Singapore, Singapore, June 15-18, 2004, p. 131-138
Allen P., Feiner S., Meskell L., Ross K., Troccoli A., Smith B., Benko H., Ishak E., and Conlon J.. Digitally Modeling, Visualizing and preserving Archaeological Sites (poster). JCDL 2004. Tuscon AZ, USA June 7-11, 2004, p.389
Allen P., Feiner S., Troccoli A., Benko H., Edward Ishak, and Smith B., Seeing into the Past: Creating a 3D Modeling Pipeline for Archaeological Visualization. 3DPVT 2004. p.751-758
Benko H., Ishak E., Feiner S., Collaborative Mixed Reality Visualization of an Archaeological Excavation, ISMAR 2004. Nov 2-5, 2004 p.132-140
Blaskó G., Feiner S., An Interaction System for Watch Computers Using Tactile Guidance and Bidirectional Segmented Strokes. ISWC 2004. Arlington, VA, USA Oct 31-Nov 3, 2004, p.120-123
Ishak E.,Feiner S., Interacting with Hidden Content Using Content-Aware Free-Space Transparency. UIST 2004. Sante Fe, NM, USA, Oct 24-27, 2004, p.189-192


Güven S., Feiner S., A Hypermedia Authoring Tool for Augmented and Virtual Reality. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 2003. Special Issue on Hypermedia Beyond the Desktop, Taylor and Francis Group Publishing, London, United Kingdom, 2004, Vol.9. p. 89-116
Güven S., Feiner S., Authoring 3D Hypermedia for Wearable Augmented and Virtual Reality. ISWC 2003. White Plains, NY, October 21-23, p. 118-126.
Lok S., Kan M., Employing Natural Language Summarization and Automated Layout for Effective Presentation and Navigation of Information Retrieval Results. Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference 2003.
Blaskó G., Feiner S., An Extended menu Navigation Interface Using Multiple Pressure-Sensitive Strips (poster). ISWC 2003. White Plains, NY, USA, 21-23 October, 2003. p.128-129.
Ishak E., Feiner S., Free-Space Transparency: Exposing Hidden Content Through Unimportant Screen Space. UIST 2003. (Conference Supplement), Vancouver, BC, November 2-5.
Kaiser E., Olwal A., McGee D., Benko H., Corradini A., Li X., Feiner S., and Cohen P., Mutual Disambiguation of 3D Multimodal Interaction in Augmented and Virtual Reality. ICMI 2003. Vancouver, BC. November 5-7, p. 12-19.
Hallaway D., Höllerer T., Feiner S., Coarse, Inexpensive, Infrared Tracking for Wearable Computing. ISWC 2003. White Plains, NY, October 21-23, pp. 69-78
Olwal A., Feiner S., The Flexible Pointer: An Interaction Technique for Augmented and Virtual Reality. UIST 2003. (Conference Supplement), Vancouver, BC, November 2-5, p. 81-82.
Olwal A., Feiner S., Rubbing the Fisheye: Precise Touch-Screen Interaction with Gestures and Fisheye Views. UIST 2003. (Conference Supplement), Vancouver, BC, November 2-5, p. 83-84.
Olwal A., Benko H., Feiner S. SenseShapes: Using Statistical Geometry for Object Selection in a Multimodal Augmented Reality System. ISMAR 2003. Tokyo, Japan, October 7-10, p. 300-301.


Lok S., Feiner S., Chiong W., Hirsch Y., A Graphical User Interface Toolkit Approach to Thin Client Computing. Proceedings of the 11th International World Wide Web Conference 2002.
Lok S., Feiner S., The AIL Automated Interface Layout System. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002.
Blaskó G., Feiner S., A Menu Interface for Wearble Computing. ISWC 2002. Seattle, WA, USA, 7-10 October, 2002. p.164-165.
Bell B., Höllerer T., Feiner S., An Annotated Situation-Awareness Aid for Augmented Reality. UIST 2002. Paris, France.
Bell B., Feiner S., Höllerer T.. Information at a Glance. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 2002. vol. 22, pp. 6-9.


Bell B., Feiner S., Höllerer T., View Management for Virtual and Augmented Reality. UIST 2001. (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), San Diego, CA. November 11-14, 2001. p. 101-110.
Broll W., Schåfer L., Höllerer T., Bowman D., Interface with angels: The future of VR and AR interfaces. IEEE 2001. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(6):14-17, November/December 2001.
Höllerer T., Hallaway D., Tinna N., Feiner S., Steps toward accommodating variable position tracking accuracy in a mobile augmented reality system. AIMS 2001. In 2nd Int. Worksh. on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems (AIMS '01), pages 31-37, 2001.
Höllerer T., Feiner S., Hallaway D., Bell B., Lanzagorta M., Brown D., Julier S., Baillot Y., and Rosenblum L. User interface management techniques for collaborative mobile augmented reality. Computers and Graphics 2001. 25(5):799-810, October 2001
Lok S., Feiner S., A Survey of Automated Layout Techniques for Information Presentations. Proceedings of the SmartGraphics Symposium 2001.


Bell B., Feiner S. Dynamic Space Management for User Interfaces. UIST 2000. (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), San Diego, CA. November 5-8, 2000. p. 238-248.


Feiner, S. The Importance of Being Mobile: Some Social Consequences of Wearable Augmented Reality Systems. IWAR 1999. (Int. Workshop on Augmented Reality), San Francisco, CA, October 20-21, 1999, pp. 145-148.
Butz A., Höllerer T., Feiner S., MacIntyre B., Beshers C. Enveloping Users and Computers in a Collaborative 3D Augmented Reality. IWAR 1999. (Int. Workshop on Augmented Reality), San Francisco, CA, October 20-21, 1999, pp. 35-44.
Höllerer T., Feiner S., Terauchi T., Rashid G., Hallaway D. Exploring MARS: Developing indoor and outdoor user interfaces to a mobile augmented reality system. Computers and Graphics 1999. 23(6):779-785
Höllerer T., Feiner S., Pavlik J.. Situated Documentaries: Embedding Multimedia Presentations in the Real World. ISWC 1999. (Third Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers), San Francisco, CA, October 18-19, 1999, pp. 79-86


Feiner S., MacIntyre B., Höllerer T., and Webster A. A touring machine: Prototyping 3D mobile augmented reality systems for exploring the urban environment. ISWC 1997. (Int. Symp. on Wearable Computers), October 13-14, 1997, Cambridge, MA.


Seligmann D., Feiner S., MacIntyre B., Massie W., Krueger T. , Augmented reality in architectural construction, inspection and renovation, ASCE 1996. Proc. ASCE Third Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Anaheim, CA, June 17-19, 1996, 913-919.
MacIntyre B., Feiner S., Language-level support for exploratory programming of distributed virtual environments, UIST 1996. n Proc. UIST '96 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), Seattle, WA, November 6-8, 1996, 83-95
MacIntyre B., Feiner S. Future Multimedia User Interfaces, Multimedia Systems 1996. 4(5)


Feiner S., Webster A., Krueger T., MacIntyre B., Keller E., Architectural anatomy, Presence 1995. In Presence, 4(3), Summer 1995, 318-325.
Crutcher L., Lazar A., Feiner S., Zhou M., Managing networks through a virtual world, IEEE 1995. IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 3(2), Summer 1995, 4-13.


Feiner S., MacIntyre B., Haupt M., Solomon E, Windows on the world: 2D windows for 3D augmented reality. UIST 1993. Proc. UIST '93 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), Atlanta, GA, November 3-5, 1993, 145-155.
Feiner S., MacIntyre B., Seligmann D., Knowledge-based augmented reality. Communications of the ACM 1993. 36(7), July 1993, 52-62.
Beshers C., Feiner S., AutoVisual: Rule-based design of interactive multivariate visualizations., IEEE 1993. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13(4), July 1993, 41-49.
Karp P., Feiner S., Automated presentation planning of animation using task decomposition with heuristic reasoning., Graphics Interface 1993. Toronto, Canada, May 17-21, 1993, 118-127.


Feiner S., McKeown K. Automating the generation of coordinated multimedia explanations. IEEE 1991. In IEEE Computer, 24(10), October 1991, 33-41
Feiner S., Shamash A., Hybrid user interfaces: Breeding virtually bigger interfaces for physically smaller computers. UIST 1991. Proc. UIST '91 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), Hilton Head, SC, November 11-13, 1991, 9-17.
Duchamp D., Feiner S., Maguire S. Software technology for wireless mobile computing. IEEE 1991. In IEEE Network, 5(6), November 1991, 12-18.
Seligmann D., Feiner S., Automated generation of intent-based 3D illustrations. SIGGRAPH 1991. (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '91, Las Vegas, NV, July 28-August 2, 1991), 123-132


Feiner S., Beshers C., Worlds within worlds: Metaphors for exploring n-dimensional virtual worlds. UIST 1990. Proc. UIST '90 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology), Snowbird, UT, October 3-5, 1990, 76-83.
Feiner S., Beshers C., Visualizing n-dimensional virtual worlds with n-Vision. I3D 1990. Computer Graphics, 24(2), March 1990 (Proc. 1990 Symp. on Interactive 3D Graphics, Snowbird, UT, March 25-28, 1990), 37-38.